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  • Joice J

Hair Care 101

I generally have had long hair throughout my whole life, and one good reason for me to keep my long hair is not much of the style but more. Long hair is effortless to manage; I'm always practical with my everyday activities. I prefer a natural approach, one that's not involved too much hair styling and harsh chemical products. The great benefit of having long hair is that; I don't have to style it all the time; all I need to do is wash and dry it. Thanks so much for the gene that my parents passed it on, my straight-manageable hair.

Although having long hair is easy to care for, it still has ups and downs. As I age, my hair gets thinner, dull, and frizzy quickly. I religiously do my hair care regimen to keep its locks healthy and shiny. In addition, I make sure to avoid things that I know will damage my hair.

If you're after beautiful hair or want to figure out how to keep it healthy and shiny, read and learn how to care for your strand. Heeffortless e are 11 steps of hair care advice that I found helpful to keep my hair healthy and manageable.

1. Do not wash your hair every day.

Cleanse your hair daily, remove the scalp from its protective oil, and trigger it to produce more oil. It is advised to wash your hair every other day or, even better, every three days. In between shampoos, to minimize the oil on your scalp, you can use dry shampoo or put one teaspoon of baby powder, spread it on your scalp, and brush it out. Here's my favorite dry shampoo

2. Avoid the roots Try not to put conditioner on the roots because it will make your scalp greasy.

3. Massage your scalp Massage your head well with the shampoo to encourage blood circulation and remove all the hair's excess dirt.

4. Avoid hot water Washing your scalp with hot water will dry your hair and cause it to lose its shine, creating tangles resulting in damaged hair. My advice, shower your body with a warm temperature after washing your body, then lower the water temperature to wash your hair.

5. To avoid frizzy hair. To minimize hair frizz, gently dry your hair with a microfiber towel by pressing out all excess water and not rubbing it. Remember, always care for the hair with a gentle touch.

I use this product to minimize frizz hair:

My favorite product:

6. Skip the heated air.

To avoid drying out hair, try to minimize using a hot air setting; use hot air for a few seconds, and finish a blow-dry with a blast of cold air, boosting hair shine. Avoid hot air straightening for daily treatments unless you need to. Here's are my favorite hairdryer;

7. Brush your hair twice a day.

My daughter will not go to sleep if I don't brush her hair, she has beautiful long deep-dark brown hair, and we've been doing this since she was about a year old. So brushing our hair is one of our bedtime routines. Healthy hair requires regular brushing at least twice a day. Tangled hair will produce hair split and lose its luster.

8. Protect your hair from Sun Rays.

If you think Sun Rays can only harm your skin, think again! Always protect your hair during summer. Sun exposure is toxic not just to the skin but also to the hair. Too much sun leaves the hair vulnerable, leading to breakage and dullness.

Before you swim on the beach or pool, the first line of defense is filtered water. The hair can only soak up a certain amount of water-like a sponge, so if you wet your hair with clean, filtered water before swimming, it will soak up drying ingredients like salt or chlorine. I also recommend coating your hair with a leave-in conditioner with a UV shield to create a physical barrier between your hair and the harsh chemical in the water. And at the end of the summer, always does an intensive conditioning treatment; whether you go to the salon or do it yourself at home, it is essential to deep condition your hair at least every two weeks. This care will help rejuvenate the hair from damaged and frizzed hair.

This is the hair product that we love:

9. Drink water

If our body hydrates well, the hair becomes more manageable and shiny, so drinking plenty of water promotes hydrated and healthy hair.

10. Vitamin inconvenient Nutrition Have you heard this saying? " You are what you eat" So, the most important thing is to eat right. After all, your hair gets all the nutrition from what you put on your body, so make sure to eat proper, healthy, and add a vitamin supplement to your diet ( if you need to). I add this vitamin to my beauty regimen. Here is my favorite brand:

11. Satin or Silk Pillow Case

Silk or satin pillowcases may not be significant enough to keep your hair healthy. Still, it's well worth the price because there's no harsh friction with your hair tugging and pulling against this material resulting in fewer knots in the morning.

Ok, lovelies, thank you so much for stopping by. If you have any hair care suggestions you would like to add, please leave a comment before leaving this page. Thank you so much!



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