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Harvest Time & Mixed Berries Pie Recipe

Fall table setting

One of the fun things to do while living on the ranch is harvesting time. And our favorite activity is fruit picking. We finally did the harvest a month ago, but I just got to post it today. We usually did our fruit picking in early September throughout late October, and I was going to do it early, but some of the Apple trees weren't quite ripe to be picked. Like last year, all the fruit trees in our yard are producing fruits abundantly. There're five kinds of Apple trees around the ranch, from Gala Apple to the most delicious Apples out there, Honey Crunch. Also, there is a Pears tree, a Rainier Cherry tree (the harvest time is in July), and wild Blackberries surrounding the land. The fruit was an overflow; some of the fruits we let fall on the ground so the family of wild deer who decided to live on our land could come and eat it. We also shared it with our friends and family; for the rest, we washed it, cut it, put it in the container, and stored it in the freezer to use later on.

Fall table setting

And like I told you in my previous post, this is the season when we bake and bake away all the sweets we can think of. With the never-ending supply of Apples and Berries, I lost count of how many pies we baked and ate last Fall.

Table setting for fall

Fall table setting
Fall table setting

Fall table setting

The festivities have begun, first was Halloween, followed by my daughter's Birthday; Thanksgiving and my Birthday always go hand in hand, and of course, you know what next: the season to be Jolly! I guess I will be baking pie the whole season.

Fall table setting
Fall table setting

Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, and nothing better than serving this one recipe; I'd like to share with you a delicious mixed berries pie recipe that I got from my friend. Using fresh fruit directly from our garden makes this recipe an effortless, delectable, mouth-watering pie. Usually, my sister Lana (our baker in the family) always does the baking, but this time I'd like to try it myself since it is so easy to make it.

Easy Bake Mixed Berries Pie


  • 2 ⅓ cups of fresh Blackberries, 2 ⅓ cups Blue Berries, and 2 ⅓ cups Raspberries

  • 1 cup granulated sugar.

  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

  • 4 tablespoons cornstarch

  • 2 tablespoon butter

  • 1 large egg bitten with a fork

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


I used ready-made Pillsbury Pie Crust for the pie crust, but if you want homemade, this is my favorite recipe from another blogger.

Direction for the filling:

1. Add berries, sugar, and lemon juice to a large saucepan over medium heat. 2. Simmer until warm and juicy (5-10 minutes), gently stirring occasionally. Taste it if it is sweet enough for your liking; you can add more sugar if you like it. 3. Take ½ cup of the juice from the pan into a bowl. Add the cornstarch to the juice and stir it until smooth. 4. Slowly pour the mixed cornstarch into the berries and gently stir until thickening (about 2-5 minutes). 5. Remove from heat and stir in the butter. Pour mixture into unbaked pie shell. And the top with holes pricker on top for steam to escape or make a lattice top. Pinch the edges of the top and bottom pie crusts together. Brush a thin layer of beaten egg white over the top of the pie and sprinkle lightly with sugar (optional) 5. at 400 F Degree for 40-45 minutes. Check it after about 25 minutes and place tin foil over it if the top crust is getting too brown. 6. Remove and allow to cool for several hours. Once cooled, utterly is ready to serve!

Apple pie

apple picking

Apple picking
apple picking

apple picking

apple picking

apple picking

apple tree

wild blackberries bushes

Apple tree

Thank you so much for reading!



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Welcome to Cantique, an online editorial destination for everyone who aspires to things Beautiful and chic. This blog is where we pour all our ideas into fashion, beauty, family gatherings, travel, planning a fabulous party, gorgeous floral arrangements, Charming country house decor, and easy-cook recipes with stunning imagery to inspire your passions in daily living. Please follow us on our day-to-day activities and all the latest inspiring idea for a beautiful life.

P.S. You will find plenty of recipes inspired by the country I grew up in, Indonesia, a colorful country with wide varieties of food from thousands of islands, all blending in such amicable and compelling exotic recipes. I hope you have a wonderful time reading our journal from page to page. 




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