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Chicken Rice Porridge (Congee) + Fried Shallot Recipes.

Congee Rice Porridge

Now that the weather here in Seattle is finally taking a turn for the colder and the temperature is going down each day, my body craves naturally warming and hearty food, especially to start my hectic day. I need simple and fulfilling food like noodle soups and my favorite comfort food, congee.

What is congee? It is a rice porridge; It boils rice in water until the texture becomes creamy and thick, or rice porridge. This meal is a staple of many Asian countries' breakfast food. There are many congee recipes out there. Still, many of these recipes share the basics ingredients: rice, water, and ginger. Still, they are also flavored with many different choices of toppings, such as vegetables, Chinese donuts, fish, eggs, and many kinds of ingredients. This rice porridge is comfort food, so simple yet delicious, and you can serve it anytime.

congee rice porridge


1 cup of Jasmine rice, rinsed 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger Four boneless and skinless chicken thighs cut into a square shape. 4 garlic cloves, minced 6 cup chicken stock 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of mushroom seasoning or half a teaspoon of sugar (optional)


  1. Bring rice, ginger, garlic, and chicken stock to a large pot boil— salt and mushroom seasoning. Once boiling, reduces heat to maintain a steady simmer and cook, occasionally stirring, for one and a half hours or until it has a thick, soup-creamy consistency and the rice is broken down. When it is too thick, add more water or stock to get back to your desired consistency.

  2. While congee is cooking, make fried shallot and eggs omelet.

For crispy shallot:

  • fried shallot thinly sliced

  • sunflower oil

  • Pink Himalayan salt

Combine the thinly sliced shallots and oil in a small saucepan. Add a little oil as necessary, enough to cover the shallots. Over medium, cook the shallot for 5 minutes or until slightly brown—season with a pinch of salt.

For Eggs Omelet: 2 eggs, water, salt, and pepper Instructions: Whisk eggs, water, salt, and pepper. Spray a non-stick skillet with cooking spray. When eggs are almost set on the surface, turn them over, cook for a minute, then slide the omelet onto a plate. Roll the omelet and thinly slice.

Serve with topping:

  • Green onion (thinly sliced)

  • Celery (thinly sliced)

  • Fresh Mushroom

  • Sausage

  • Omelet

  • Fried Shallot

  • Sambal Oelek or Sriracha (optional )

  • Soy sauce

  • Jalapeno sliced

  • Carrots

  • Bacon

  • Smoked Salmon

  • Shrimp

You can choose any topping you wish to have.

congee rice porridge
congee rice porridge

congee rice porridge

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you are enjoying your weekend with your family and friends!

Much Love,


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Welcome to Cantique, an online editorial destination for everyone who aspires to things Beautiful and chic. This blog is where we pour all our ideas into fashion, beauty, family gatherings, travel, planning a fabulous party, gorgeous floral arrangements, Charming country house decor, and easy-cook recipes with stunning imagery to inspire your passions in daily living. Please follow us on our day-to-day activities and all the latest inspiring idea for a beautiful life.

P.S. You will find plenty of recipes inspired by the country I grew up in, Indonesia, a colorful country with wide varieties of food from thousands of islands, all blending in such amicable and compelling exotic recipes. I hope you have a wonderful time reading our journal from page to page. 




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