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Christmas Home Decor Part 2

Christmas Decor

Times seem to go fast when busy preparing a big event such as a Christmas celebration. As for now, Seattle is pouring rain, but despite the cold or the rain, it didn't stop me from visiting store after store, shopping, and hunting for bargain items. For me, never is enough decor, lights, garlands, ornaments, or even a Christmas tree; I keep going back to the store, adding or changing the decor. But for now, this is the best I can do (wait for a few days, and I'm sure I will make a slight change or add more items)

Lucky for me, I live in a place where we have abundant pine trees and red and white cherries, so our home is filled with whatever ever available in our yard. As a result, the scent of pine trees is embedded in the house, and it smells beautiful every time we enter. Nothing can beat a fresh pine fragrance to make winter more enjoyable.

As for now, I am crazy about tiny houses and reindeer decor; I got some of them from Target and Walmart. The prices there are a bit cheaper than in different stores; I changed a bit by painting white to make a snowy illusion on the house roofs.

And I got Reindeer from various stores such as Michael, Homegoods, and Marshall. Adding the realistic-looking Reindeer gives the home a feeling of rustic and winter in the woods. I keep using it on my decor for two years now, and my collection gets bigger every year.

Adding fairy lights to every garland and tiny house is an excellent idea. The soft light gleaming from the fairy light perfectly coordinated with our interior's color gives a homely feeling to anyone. It makes our home glow and changes the mood and ambiance of the celebration; it feels tranquil and enchanting simultaneously. With so many endearing qualities combined, I suspect they might have a little magic in them. We love Ikea fairy lights. Most of our tiny lights we got from them.

TIny houses Christmas Decor
Tiny house Christmas decor
Tiny house christmas decor

Tiny house christmas decor

tiny house christmas decor

I adore gift-wrapped. With a bit of money, I can get enough to cover all my Christmas gifts; the gift wrapped is so adorable and simple yet stunning; it reminds me of my childhood cartoon movie when the cartoon was not as complicated as today. Target indeed has all variations of designs and gift cover that you need for this holiday season at an affordable price.

Tiny house Christmas decor
Tiny house christmas decor

reindeer christmas decor

garland for Christmas

reindeer for christmas decor

reindeer christmas decor
christmas gifts wrapping

reindeer for christmas

Thank you for reading. I hope it can be your Christmas decor inspiration. Happy Holidays Everyone!

Much Love,


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