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  • Writer's pictureJoice MJ

A Simple Father's Day Decor & Parmesan Pesto Roasted Potatoes Recipe

Table sign, cake, cupcakes and flowers

A Father's Day Celebration

We had the hustle and bustle for Mother's Day last month. Now is the turn to celebrate the man of the house, the Father, who is also paramount in our life: a provider who protects and loves us. He deserves our devotion, attention, and recognition as much as our mothers. So this Father's Day is a perfect time to show our Father our appreciation and to make his day extra special.

Honestly is easier to bring all the family to the restaurant to celebrate Father's Day and give Mommy a day of rest, with no cooking and decoration required. But where is the fun of that? We eat in the restaurant almost every week.

Between the waiting line and the time limit, I would be OK with cooking or ordering food from the restaurant and eating together at home while relaxing with family and friends; we will celebrate Father's Day with delicious food and fashionable decoration.

White and brown dessert table decor, food plater, flowers, cake and cupcakes

Table sign, flowers, dessert, cakes, serving plater.

cakes, glass dessert, cupcakes

serving platter, flowers, cake, cupcakes and table sign

stuffed green peppers

Dessert table decor, table sign, food platters, flowers arrangement, cakes and cupcakes

Food platers, flower arrangement.

stuffed green peppers
Roasted potatoes in the white bowl

Basic Pesto Recipe


2 c. tightly packed fresh basil leaves

1/2 c. extra-virgin olive oil

1/4. c. pine nuts

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

Kosher salt to taste

1/2 c. finely grated Parmesan cheese


1. In a food processor, pulse basil, oil, pine nuts, garlic, and a large pinch of salt until smooth.

2. Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl and stir in Parmesan cheese. Add salt if needed.

3. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate.

roasted potatoes in the white bowl

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Recipe


  • 1 pound baby potatoes, washed and the large ones cut in half

  • 4 tablespoons pesto, plus extra for drizzling ( we love the potatoes swimming in pesto)

  • 4 tablespoons grated fresh parmesan cheese

  • Koser salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste.

  • 1/2 half lemon

Prepping the potatoes:

  1. Rinse the potatoes under cold water and scrub off any dirt.

  2. Dry it using paper towels.

  3. If using baby potatoes, cut the larger one in half.

  4. Spray a rimmed sheet pan with cooking oil. The pan can be lined with foil for easy cleanup.

  5. Lay potatoes out on the prepared pan, spoon the pesto onto the potatoes, and season with salt and pepper. Toss everything together with your hands until the potatoes are coated with pesto.

  6. Grate the parmesan cheese, and put it aside. Add it to the prepared potatoes during the last 2 minutes of roasting.


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray, or line it with foil.

  2. Toss the potatoes, pesto, salt, and pepper in a bowl until coated. Spread them into an even layer on the prepared baking sheet. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove the pan and sprinkle the potatoes with parmesan cheese. Bake another 5-10 minutes or until the outside of the potatoes are crisp, and the inside Is fork tender.

  3. Once the potatoes are roasted, squeeze half a lemon juice over them. Serve potatoes on the serving plate or bowl drizzled with extra pesto and parmesan cheese.

And Enjoy!

food platers, white flower arrangement

Man standing by the father's day buffet table

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Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you'll have a wonderful Father's Day celebration.

Much Love,


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Welcome to Cantique, an online editorial destination for everyone who aspires to things Beautiful and chic. This blog is where we pour all our ideas into fashion, beauty, family gatherings, travel, planning a fabulous party, gorgeous floral arrangements, Charming country house decor, and easy-cook recipes with stunning imagery to inspire your passions in daily living. Please follow us on our day-to-day activities and all the latest inspiring idea for a beautiful life.

P.S. You will find plenty of recipes inspired by the country I grew up in, Indonesia, a colorful country with wide varieties of food from thousands of islands, all blending in such amicable and compelling exotic recipes. I hope you have a wonderful time reading our journal from page to page. 




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